Missions Opportunities

Mission Box
This Mission Box option is a traditional option in which churches collect items and sends these times to the designated drop-off point. Life pack is a new initiative of CBF Global where churches are asked to collect items directly dealing with disaster relief. CBFVA churches will join with churches around the Fellowship to make a greater collective impact.

Together for Hope
Together for Hope was formed in 2001 as a 20-year commitment to the 20 poorest counties in the United States. All of these counties were rural. This was the origins of CBF’s Rural Poverty Initiative, which later became Together for Hope. From our inception, we have adamantly followed the practice of Assets Based Community Development because we are convinced that key to alleviating poverty in these rural areas already exists with the people who are there. It is in these long term partnerships with local leaders that Together for Hope has been forged as a force for the common good in rural America.
Currently, Together for Hope has 18 partners across the rural landscape of the US. From Arizona to Appalachia and from the Dakotas to the Delta, we have worked alongside communities in the areas of education, health & nutrition, housing & environment, and social enterprise. After meeting together in 2016, the lead team of Together for Hope reframed our self-understanding in order to reflect our current identity and core beliefs. We moved from the vocabulary of “rural poverty initiative” to “rural development coalition” in order to be more precise about who we are and live more fully into our ABCD convictions. In other words, reframing “poverty” as “development” we focus on the positive movement that we have always fostered. We also recognized that we are no long an initiative. After sixteen years, we are a coalition of widely diverse organizations that exist in a complex network. Some of our partners are CBF field personnel, while other coalitions organizations are their own 501c(3), and still others are hybrid organizations that are housed under CBF State and Regional Organizations. We realized that our complex network of various organizations was a true coalition that focuses on rural development.
Together for Hope: Southwest Virginia

Offering for Global Missions
The CBF Offering for Global Missions is the foundational means of support for CBF’s mission enterprise, providing an array of tools and resources needed to live out the Fellowship’s mission commitments of cultivating beloved community, bearing witness to Jesus Christ and seeking transformational development.
Your gifts to the Offering for Global Missions impact the work of field personnel who are working to meet needs worldwide. You can learn more or give to the Offering for Global Missions here.