God has blessed us with a metaphorical bookshelf, full of diversity, wisdom, and grace. Each book reveals something about us and something about God. Think of each sensitive issue, the ones we tend to ignore, as books that God deliberately placed on the shelf, right there beside those we deem most important to our faith.
If we take enough time to actually “read” together, it allows us to see one another through God’s eyes more clearly. We begin to see how each unique person fits into the larger story of salvation. After we talk, and understand more deeply, we place the book back on the shelf, but perhaps in a different place than we first found it.
If we ignore the issue, the book ultimately ends up front-and-center. Thus, some of the other books stay out of reach. Taking your time as a community to read the “unabridged version” helps the community live into her identity with Spirit-led wisdom and Christ-like courageousness.
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