September 1, 8, and 15, 2022
10:00 to 11:30 am
Conflict is not necessarily something bad and to be avoided or resolved quickly. This webinar series will frame “conflict” as a state of disagreement or emotional/mental disturbance that indicates important human needs are not being met. Participants will learn to distinguish between feelings, thoughts, and needs within conflictual situations in order to foster greater self-awareness, compassion for others, and self-differentiated leadership in systems and groups.
Session 1 (Sept. 1) Addresses how negative feelings and unmet needs within oneself may lead a person to interpret a situation as conflictual. Participants will be introduced to a biblical path toward greater personal wholeness and peace.
Session 2 (Sept. 8) Helps participants learn their “conflict styles” using the Kraybill Conflict Style Inventory. Participants will also explore how to address conflicts at the level of human needs instead of competing strategies.
Session 3 (Sept. 15) Addresses conflicts that arise within families, congregations, and systems using the concepts of emotional triangles, and healthy boundaries. Participants will explore a case study of a church in conflict using various conflict styles.
Facilitator: Rev. Michael Cheuk is a leadership coach and congregational facilitator and consultant. He has a PhD in religious ethics from UVA, and has ministered in CBF churches for over twenty years. He is currently an executive officer of the Charlottesville Clergy Collective and assistant director of Beloved Community Cville dedicated to community organizing for racial justice among faith communities in the Charlottesville area. He and his wife live in Charlottesville, Virginia, and they have two young adult children.