Child Safety Policy

This policy ensures a secure and protective environment at all CBFVA events, emphasizing thorough safety measures and compliance.


Background Checks

All adults attending CBFVA events must undergo an official statewide background check within the past three years. These checks must be verified by a signed certificate from a ministerial staff member and presented at check-in on the provided form (see appendix A).


Adult/Minor Rooming and Transportation Policy

Adults are not allowed to sleep in the same room alone with a minor unless they are the parent or legal guardian. In lodgings with multiple beds, at least two adults, who are not married or related, will stay with multiple minors as space allows. Adults should have their own room or share with another adult if separate bedrooms are available. Additionally, adults may not be alone with minors in vehicles or buses. One adult may transport two or more minors; however two adults should be arranged whenever possible.
Safety on Mission Site: To ensure safety, minors under 16 years old are not allowed to use ladders, and no one under 18 years old may use power tools at CBFVA events.


Adherence to Differing Church Policies

CBFVA will make every effort, when possible, to accommodate and enforce any group-specific policies that are different than those of this policy. If different than those in this policy, we do ask for a copy of your policy when registering for our records.


Special Rooming Requests

Requests for special rooming that may result in added costs should be emailed to CBFVA’s designated contact for the event, and such costs will be based on single room rates from host facilities. Churches may be required to cover any additional fees.


Communication and Compliance

CBFVA requires all adults and guardians to be aware of and agree to these policies as a condition for event participation. All adults will be asked to review and sign an agreement prior to attending each event, this will help to uphold the safety and well-being of all participants.