CBFVA invites all clergy to participate in this year’s edition of Pastors’ School on January 28. We are excited to welcome Dr. Anna Robbins as our keynote speaker. CBFVA’s Coordinating Council very purposefully invited Dr. Robbins because of her expertise and understanding of the challenges between faith and culture. Dr. Robbins is President and Dean of Theology at Acadia University (Nova Scotia, Canada); Dr. Millard R. Cherry Professor of Theology, Ethics and Culture; and Director of Andrew D. MacRae Center for Christian Faith and Culture.
Our theme is timely: Recalibrating Faith & Culture in a Post-Pandemic World. During the morning session, Dr. Robbins will explore how faith and culture interact, particularly some of the challenging features of culture emerging today. How do these factors impact churches and their leadership? How can we lead into the future with honest hope?
After a lunch break, the afternoon session includes time for you to dialogue with Dr. Robbins about the morning presentation and engage her in conversation about your own contextual faith and culture challenges. Our Theologian in Residence, Megan Strollo, will help facilitate the conversation.