Art Wright is joined by Jason and Dena Hobbs, authors of the new book, When Anxiety Strikes: Help and Hope for Managing Your Storm (Kregel Publications, 2020). They discuss what anxiety is, the intersection of anxiety and faith, and how we can care for ourselves and others in this anxiety-prone time. It is a wonderful conversation, and the book is a fantastic resource for clergy, lay persons, and congregations.
Jason B. Hobbs (M.Div., LCSW) has been in private mental health practice for fifteen years, assisting people through their journey with anxiety every day. Jason teaches widely on mindfulness, anxiety, and the intersection of religion and mental health, and recently trained as a spiritual director at the Shalem Institute. Jason has also written Unless a Grain of Wheat Fall. Find him at
Dena Douglas Hobbs (M.Div.) has been learning to tame her own panic and anxiety for decades. She shares her expertise by leading retreats, speaking, blogging at Dena is now the Episcopal and Lutheran campus minister at Mercer University. Her previous works include Lighten the Darkness. Dena and Jason currently live in Middle Georgia.
Art Wright (M.Div., Ph.D.) is the Theologian in Residence for CBFVA.
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