Mar 29, 2021 | Archived Blogs, Blog, Lastest News, Terry Maples, Uncategorized
Joan and I have been reading Ecco Homo Behold the Man – Ethical Imperatives of the Lenten Journey by Samuel Balentine. This Lenten journey is focuses on an imperative spoken twice from different perspectives. The first perspective is that of Pilate who presents...
Mar 15, 2021 | Archived Blogs, Blog, Lastest News, Terry Maples
In parts 1 and 2 of this series, I outlined eight statements that describe a fundamentalist mindset and offer different perspectives that shape the theology of our congregations. In this final installment, I clarify terms and give specific illustrations of the dangers...
Mar 8, 2021 | Archived Blogs, Blog, Lastest News, Terry Maples
In Part 1 of this Blog, I shared eight statements describing a fundamentalist mindset. How do these principles play out in congregational life and theological understanding? Gene Wilder offers insight into core issues that were at play in the SBC takeover. Examine...
Mar 2, 2021 | Archived Blogs, Blog, Lastest News, Terry Maples
A few years ago, the president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (my alma mater) compared his biblical understandings (interpretations) to those of moderate-progressive Baptists. He asserted these differing perspectives are two radically different versions of...
Feb 17, 2021 | Archived Blogs, Blog, Lastest News, Terry Maples, Uncategorized
I think most people engaged in congregational leadership know we are NOT going back to church as it was before the pandemic. That version of church doesn’t exist anymore. A protracted COVID-19 season of disruption invites us to re-imagine church—not in order to...
Feb 9, 2021 | Archived Blogs, Blog, Lastest News, Terry Maples, Uncategorized
As an image-conscious Enneagram Pattern 3, I confess radical candor is not my best gift. My tendency to shape-shift to be what the context demands sometimes means I shy away from boldly speaking truth. My son knows my tendency to be and play nice. After reading...